Professional/Short course Management of Clinical Services
Page last updated 20 March 2025
30 credit level 7 module
NHS Blood and Transplant, funded by the Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, has two bursaries, worth 50% of the module fee to support two students to access this CPD module. For more information, please refer to the How To Apply section on this page.
This 30 credit module, Management of Clinical Services, focuses on enhancement and leadership in the management of clinical services to ensure patient safety and quality of care; drivers and processes for transformation and evidence-based change within the clinical setting is a key thread throughout the module, which covers regulatory frameworks, validation, risk reduction, leadership, management and accreditation.
The module aims to develop critical evaluation with respect to service provision enhancement through the application of leadership and management theory and understanding of regulation and quality enhancement, with the aim of improving organisational value.
On successful completion of this level 7 (Masters level) module, you will achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Critically evaluate how service provision can be enhanced by the application of leadership and management theory
- Defining the key benefits to a clinical laboratory of applying a range of recognised leadership models and tools to enhance the engagement of staff
- Critically review the regulations and guidelines that govern clinical service provision
- Describe and critically evaluate the methods and tools used in maintaining the resilience of clinical service provision
- Critically discuss the process and role of clinical audit, quality systems and evidence-based practise in maintaining and managing a clinical service
- Critically examine a change you have experienced, applying recognised tools to effectively evaluate the approach, together with detailing how improvements could be made to enhance the experience for all stakeholders and ensuring patient (or donor) safety was maintained.
Careers / Further study
This module can contribute towards the MSc Applied Transfusion and Transplantation Science.
The course syllabus typically includes:
Managing and leading people
- Developing effective teams, groups and individuals; diversity and inclusivity
- Purposeful management, leadership, and effective communication; stakeholder management
- Transforming clinical services through the effective leadership and management of change
Managing quality
- Licensing, accreditation, and regulation (relevant to transfusion, transplantation and associated research and development)
- Quality risk assessment and risk management
- Quality management systems e.g. change control, incident management (investigation, corrective and preventative action, root cause analysis, look back and recall), asset management, data integrity, facility/premises.
- Training and competency assessment.
- Audit, inspection and assessment.
- Clinical governance, intellectual property (related to clinical service), data protection and confidentiality.
Managing systems and processes
- Procurement, budget management and supplier management
- Information technology - technical options and assessment/validation of hardware and software used in transfusion, transplantation and tissue banking.
- Corporate risk assessment and business continuity
- Capacity planning.
- Continuous improvement and operational efficiency (including benefits and challenges of automation)
Managing a clinical service
- Clinical audit and critical appraisal of current practice
- Keeping the patient at the centre (Duty of Candour, ethics and consent)
- Individual and employee professional practice, competence, developing and maintaining knowledge and scope of practice
- Developing autonomy and empowerment
- Knowledge management and knowledge transfer
- Evidence based practise and benchmarking
- Working in the NHS, NHS organisational and financial structure
Learning and Teaching
Fully distance learning with a combination of online materials, live webinars and group tutorials.
You are required to complete a portfolio of work including critical reviews of leadership, management and quality within clinical services, and self-reflection.You will also be required to write an essay critically reviewing the leadership and implementation of a change within a clinical service, covering all aspects of the change process, including; evidence and drivers for change such as audit of current service, stakeholder consultation, and risk management. This assessment will develop an understanding of the skills and competencies needed to manage change within a professional clinical setting.
Learners will be supported in these assessments by support tutorials and portfolio progress review sessions throughout the module.
Study facilities
The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.
Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.
Prices and dates
Supplementary fee information
Home fee (30 credit) = £1,626.
Overseas/Offshore fee (30 credit) = £2,416.
Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.
How to apply
Please apply online via the Apply Now button.
Please read our Terms and Conditions.
NHS Blood and Transplant and Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies have two bursaries, worth 50% of the module fee to support two students to access this 30 credit standalone CPD module in Management of Clinical Services.
The module aims to develop critical evaluation with respect to service provision enhancement through the application of leadership and management theory and understanding of regulation and quality enhancement, with the aim of improving organisational value.
This is a level 7 standalone module that can also be part of the MSc in Applied Transfusion and Transplantation Science course delivered in collaboration between NHSBT and UWE Bristol.
To apply for the bursary, you are required to complete the application form below and submit it to with the heading 'Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies Bursary 2025':
Bursaries application form (DOC)
The deadline to submit applications is Monday 16 June 2025.
Please note that application to the bursaries are separate from application the CPD module itself.
Eligibility criteria
You can apply for this bursary if you meet the following criterion: you're paying a 'home' rate of fees.
Furthermore, your application will be enhanced if you also meet one or more of the following:
- You currently work in the NHS or a UK academic organisation.
- You're otherwise self-funded.
- You're not already qualified at Masters level or higher.
- You're currently working, or have worked, or interested in developing a career in the cell and gene therapy sector.
UWE Bristol is a supportive and inspiring place to learn and develop somewhere where diversity of experience and perspective is encouraged - and learning and research is shared and accessible. We want to actively encourage applications from people with any of the following characteristics:
- identify as Global Majority
- be from a low participation neighbourhood
- identify as having a disability
- be from a low-income background or low socioeconomic group
- be the first in your generation to attend university
- mature student
- care leaver, carer or estranged student.
Extra information
If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.
For further information
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158