Professional/Short course Medical Genetics

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Applied Sciences
Course Director
Dr Chris Moore

Page last updated 24 October 2024

BSc(Hons) Biomedical Top-up


Modules can be offered either individually or collectively if you have had your first degree evaluated by the IBMS and require further Top-up studies in order to complete the educational requirement for IBMS accreditation.

On successful completion of this 30 credit Medical Genetics module, you will be able to:

  • Discuss chromosome morphology and classification.
  • Discuss the future potential of human genetics and its ethical dilemmas;
  • Identify the modes of inheritance of specific autosomal and sex-linked genetic disorders together with phenotypic findings;
  • Review the current molecular approaches to gene cloning, characterisation and mapping, and the mechanisms involved in disease pathogenesis;
  • Evaluate the various prenatal diagnostic tests in terms of the procedural approaches and types of abnormality that might be detected;
  • Outline the application of medical genetics to diagnosis, counselling and therapy of genetic disease;
  • Integrate principles of Mendelian genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics with their clinical application in modern medicine.

For an applicant looking to top-up an undergraduate degree to obtain an Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) or Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) accreditation, please refer to the Biomedical Science module top-up for IBMS/HCPC accreditation for more information.

Careers / Further study

This module contributes to:

  • BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science
  • BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science (Life Science)
  • BSc(Hons) Forensic Science
  • BSc(Hons) Forensic Science (Biology).



The course syllabus for this level 6 (undergraduate level) module typically includes:

  • Mechanisms of genetic modification; DNA damage and repair mechanisms, cell cycle,epigenetics, imprinting, clinical conditions related to genetic modification. 
  • DNA analysis - indirect and direct mutant gene tracking; techniques for demonstration ofDNA mutation/polymorphisms including PCR, MLPA, Sequencing etc. Chromosomeanalysis - karyotyping, FISH, etc; heteromorphisms; mitochondrial chromosomes;chromosome aberrations. 
  • Gametogenesis - meiosis; spermatogenesis; oogenesis; fertilisation ; Lyonisation; sexdetermination and differentiation; genomic imprinting. 
  • Inheritance modes of genetic disorders - autosomal and sex-linked; non-Mendelianinheritance - mutilfactorial - continuous and discontinuous; twin concordance, familycorrelation studies. Somatic cell disorders; mitochondrial disorders. 
  • Clinical applications- genetic assessment, communication of advice, medical ethics;Prenatal diagnosis; population screening; prevention and treatment of genetic disease;gene therapy; Genetics of common diseases; Immunogenetics, cancer genetics,inborn errors of metabolism, RNA biology and alternative splicing, disorders of development.

Integral to the module will be a series of workshops on ethical aspects of genetic testing and manipulation, including consideration of cloning, preimplantation genetic diagnosis and "saviour siblings".

Learning and Teaching

The module will be delivered as mix of lectures and integrated tutorial sessions - with computer-learning support together with a student centred research exercise on genetic testing. You will be expected to be independently engaged in further research indicated by the subject matter covered in the lectures and indicated by specific reading and reference lists; you will be expected to develop the content with self-directed learning.Scheduled learning includes lectures, seminars, tutorials.Independent learning includes hours engaged with essential reading, case study preparation, assignment preparation and completion etc. These sessions constitute an average time per level as indicated in the table below. Scheduled sessions may vary slightly depending on the module choices you make.

Study time

You will meet staff weekly for a two hour lecture on the scheduled topic. Extra workshops will be provided to cover the ethical aspects and these will cover the underpinning genetic techniques and limitations that contribute to the ethical dilemmas. Presentation sessions will allow you to engage with the issues surrounding genetic testing and will be explored in a class setting with the input of staff members.Research material from group presentations will be loaded onto Blackboard for knowledge exchange and to contribute to learning.You will be able to attend MSc tutorials and conference week by choice if you wish to expand your knowledge of genetics applications.


All specialist subject modules on the BSc BMS programme have a 40:60 weighting of coursework to final exam.

The module will be assessed by a 3 hour examination under controlled conditions on the lecture material, together with two pieces of coursework designed to encourage extra reading beyond the lecture notes provided at the ethical workshops.

Feedback will be provided on all coursework and there will also be opportunity in tutorials to discuss student progress and understanding.

Details of the requirements for each component will be provided in the module handbook together with a marking criteria and mark sheet by which students can guide their performance.


Study facilities

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Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit our full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Please see our timetable for full date information. 

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information