Professional/Short course Medical Microbiology

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Applied Sciences
Course Director
Dr Chris Moore

Page last updated 24 October 2024

BSc(Hons) Biomedical Top-up


Modules can be offered either individually or collectively if you have had your first degree evaluated by the IBMS and require further top-up studies in order to complete the educational requirement for IBMS accreditation.

Upon successful completion of this 30 credit Medical Microbiology module, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the theory and techniques of classical and modern microbial taxonomy, and discuss the controversies that exist in the field
  • Critically discuss the virulence and pathogenicity of infectious agents centred on the concept of the host
  • Evaluate the methods available for the detection of infectious agents and diagnosis of infections
  • Critically discuss the strategies available to control and treat microbial and viral infections
  • Apply theoretical knowledge of identification and classification, epidemiology, pathogenicity and virulence treatment and control of pathogens to selected examples of infectious diseases
  • Evaluate the importance of health and safety and good laboratory practice in microbiology
  • Review and evaluate the literature relevant to the area of medical microbiology.

Read how graduate, Laura Holding, is helping in the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone.

For an applicant looking to top-up an undergraduate degree to obtain an Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) or Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) accreditation, please refer to the Biomedical Science module top-up for IBMS/HCPC accreditation for more information.

Entry requirements

You must have completed Microbiology (USSJ4G-20-2), Drugs and Disease (USSJ4V-20-2) or Studies in the Biology of Disease (USSJV6-20-2).

Careers / Further study

This module is compulsory on all variants of BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science, and optional on all variants of BSc(Hons) Biological Sciences.



This 30 credit level 6 (undergraduate level) module typically covers the following topics:

  • Detection of microbes
  • Taxonomy and classification
  • Epidemiology
  • The host-microbe balance
  • The control of infectious diseases in human populations
  • Infectious diseases of key body systems.


Learning and Teaching

Scheduled learning for this module primarily consists of lectures and tutorials.

Independent learning includes hours engaged with essential reading, assignment preparation and completion etc. You will also be required to spend a substantial amount of their independent learning hours on reputable website to gain the most up-to-date information on many of the topics covered in this module (and you will receive guidance on how to do this effectively and reliably).


Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Biosciences facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit our full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Please see our timetable for full date information. 

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information