Professional/Short course Immunology

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Applied Sciences
Course Director
Dr Chris Moore

Page last updated 24 October 2024

BSc(Hons) Biomedical Top-up


Modules can be offered either individually or collectively if you have had your first degree evaluated by the IBMS and require further Top-up studies in order to complete the educational requirement for IBMS accreditation.

On successful completion of this 30 credit Immunology module, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the generation of antibody diversity and critically evaluate immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy
  • Evaluate the role of cytokines in the regulation of the immune system
  • Critically assess the origin of autoimmunity
  • Critically evaluate immune surveillance strategies in relation to cancer, bacterial and viral intervention
  • Discuss the immunological aspects of transplantation rejection and immunosuppression
  • Discuss the dysfunction of the immune system and disease
  • Utilise electronic information sources effectively as learning aids and be able to critically and analytically appraise the relevant scientific literature

For an applicant looking to top-up an undergraduate degree to obtain an Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) or Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) accreditation, please refer to the Biomedical Science module top-up for IBMS/HCPC accreditation for more information.

Careers / Further study

This course can contribute towards:

  • BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science
  • BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science (Clinical)



The course syllabus for this level 6 (undergraduate level) module typically includes:

Molecular immunology

  • The structure of antibodies and the development of antibody specificity.
  • Production of ccytokines and mode of action.
  • Cytokine classification.
  • T helper subpopulations.
  • Role of cytokines in T and B cell activation, humoral and cell mediated immunity.
  • Immunosuppression.

Cellular immunology

  • Cell to cell interactions.
  • Receptors involved in cell activation pathways.
  • Induction of tolerance; central and peripheral.
  • Possible ways that tolerance can break down.
  • Autoimmune disease and allergy; induction and disease mechanisms.
  • Transplantation rejection and immunosurveillance.
  • Cancer immunology.

Applied immunology

  • Application of antibodies in immunodiagnostics and current technology.
  • Antibody engineering and use of monoclonal and other synthesized antibodies.
  • Applications of antibodies and cytokines in the treatment of disease.

Learning and Teaching

You are expected to spend 72 hours on scheduled learning and 228 hours on independent study.Scheduled learningThe module will be delivered using keynote lectures designed to highlight the important principles and concepts of each topic and to provide a framework for personal study. Where appropriate experimental evidence that underpins our current theoretical knowledge framework will be discussed, to allow you to develop an appreciation of how scientific theory becomes established and evolves.Lectures will be supported by tutorials and seminars, case studies and guided reading. Interactive tutorials will be used to explore selected topics from the syllabus in more detail. You will be encouraged to utilise your existing knowledge to develop your understanding of immunology in both lecture and tutorial sessions.Independent learningThe development of study skills will be supported by UWE Bristol's dedicated online study skills resources.Your learning will be further supported through the University's Elearning environment, Blackboard, where a handbook, lecture slides/handouts, links to external websites, videos, quizzes, invitations to external seminars, journal articles and other resources will be available.Guided reading will be provided to support or extend the lectures and will be used to direct you to preparative and/or supplementary information sources. An essential reading list will also be provided.

Study time

The contact hours (72) are distributed as follows:

  • 48 hours of lectures
  • 24 hours of tutorials/seminars
  • This contact time will be underpinned by provision of online material to be delivered in an asynchronous manner through the University's online Elearning platform (Black Board). This may include:- additional recorded lectures, journal articles, a discussion forum, links to related news reports and scientific animations and invitations to attend internal and external specialist seminars related to the lecture content.


The Assessment Strategy has been designed to support and enhance the development of subject-based knowledge and skills, whilst ensuring that the Learning Outcomes are achieved.The controlled assessment is one three hour examination comprising essay based questions and is an effective method of assessing your ability to utilise and apply knowledge gained at this level. Questions will allow an element of choice of subjects covered, with the paper as a whole encompassing a representative cross-section of the syllabus and Learning Outcomes, which in combination with the assignments set will allow assessment of many of the main aspects of the module.Formative feedback is available throughout the module using Q+A sessions in lectures, group discussions, particularly in tutorials/seminars, together with use of 'Turning Point Technologies' to enable you to gain an indication of your progress anonymously. The latter will also be used to give formative feed-forward on your understanding of how to give a good oral presentation and write a good abstract, prior to undertaking of the assignment. Similarly, exam questions will be discussed throughout the course, combined with specific exam revision and preparation sessions prior to the exam.

The coursework consists of two integrated elements, designed to provide you with the opportunity to critically analyse a current area of literature. Specifically you will undertake a self selected literature search, read and digest some primary data, then present and explain the findings in several different scientific formats to other scientists. The first element is comprised of an assessed seminar with oral presentation and the second element is comprised of the both lay and scientific summaries of the presentation. Together the coursework elements provide you with an opportunity to develop core science communication skills, which are vital to any future scientist and are rarely used as assessment vehicles at any level. The coursework will be submitted outside of the exam period and will be time restricted rather than word restricted. Additionally, the seminars which are designed to align with the taught lecture topics and evenly cover the whole module content, will provide an additional and contemporary source of information, to build upon student understanding from the lectures.

Summative feedback will be provided after submission of the assignment, which will clearly identify areas of strength and will give constructive advice on areas for improvement. Both the contemporary content of the seminar series and the experience of searching for, summarising and presenting from a primary research article, will enhance the student appreciation of experimental design and interpretation of scientific data; and will provide a rich source of additional information, aligned with, but additional to, the taught content.


Study facilities

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Take a personalised virtual tour of the Biosciences facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit our full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Please see our timetable for full date information. 

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information