Professional/Short course Policy and Practice

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Education and Childhood
Ten weeks
Course Director
Dr Alpesh Maisuria

Page last updated 25 November 2024

30 credit level 7 module


This 30 credit module, Policy and Practice, develops a critical awareness of education policy development and its translation into practiceOn successful completion of this Masters level (level 7) module, you will be able to:

  • critically analyse how ideology and context impact policy
  • critically reflect on how a policy agenda in education is translated into practice
  • critique the intention of a policy agenda in education against the outcomes and impacts
  • identify a policy agenda and critically review various policy response.


Careers / Further study

This module can contribute towards the MA Education (two year and three to five year version).



The module syllabus typically includes the following topics:

  • Identify the diverse ways that policy is developed
  • How to search relevant policy literature
  • Reflective enquiry into policy-making process
  • Consider the way that policy is framed and contextualised
  • Identify means by policy impact on practice can be appraised
  • Critically appraise a selected policy.

Learning and Teaching

Teaching and learning methods will include a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities including webinars, meetings, lectures, readings, tasks and activities alongside independent study and tutor support.


The assessment involves an analysis/es of education policy of interest to you that has been negotiated with the supporting tutor.


Study facilities

The School of Education and Childhood at UWE Bristol runs a variety of courses in early childhood and education studies, and is one of the largest providers of initial teacher training and continuing professional development in the region. Experienced tutors and leading researchers and practitioners in their fields teach in the department. We have excellent facilities and a range of flexible study areas and online learning tools for our students.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Education and Teaching facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

The fees for this course is £1,470.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please apply online using the Apply Now button located on the page.

Please read our Terms and Conditions.

For further information