Professional/Short course Affect, Emotion and Society

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Social Sciences
Course Director
Dr Lita Crociani-Windland

Page last updated 19 December 2024

30 credit level 7 module


This module will allow you to demonstrate an advanced understanding of some of the key psycho-social theories, concepts and debates.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in relation to key aspects of theory.
  • Demonstrate an ability to make connections between selected aspects of theories and concepts and your practice.
  • Demonstrate the value of applying such knowledge to your work situation.
  • Demonstrate a reflexive approach to your own practice.

Careers / Further study

This module can be taken as stand-alone CPD course or can contribute towards:

  • MSc Professional Development (Psycho-Social Studies).



This will be a work-based learning course and, as such, guided by developments in the field as well as your requirements.

It will present the psychoanalytic, sociological and philosophical underpinnings of a psycho-social approach in the social sciences through the following themes:

  • The affective body in society and the formation of identities
  • Culture, affect and identity
  • Affect and emotion in the psycho-analytic tradition
  • Embodied affect and consciousness
  • The body and society as complex systems
  • Intergenerational dynamics and identity in relation to politics, groups and organisations

Learning and Teaching

Scheduled learning includes lectorials, tutorials, project supervision; work based learning.Lectorials will be used to both introduce and discuss key psycho-social themes, concepts and debates already existing in the area of emotion, affect and society.Lectorials allow a form of interactive delivery, whereby discussion and connections between your present work and/or past professional experience and content may influence lecture content delivery.Tutorials will be aimed at guiding you through your learning and at facilitating you to create a bespoke learning contract and assessment portfolio.Independent learning includes hours engaged with essential reading, assignment preparation and completion etc. Scheduled sessions may vary slightly depending on the module choices you make.Blackboard will be used to facilitate learning through providing guidance and learning materials.The work environment, whether based on paid employment or volunteering, is also a source of experiential learning and specific skills acquisition required for the module.

Study time

Delivery pattern will be flexible, work-based and vary in line with the requirements of those utilising this module. However, this would be based on a model that may envisage:

  • 25 contact hours ideally delivered in day blocks to facilitate travel and work cover arrangements.
  • 100 hours of work-based learning over the module.
  • 175 hours private study/reading.


A project of 6,000 words because some options of assessment will not take the form of written work in the form of an orthodox essay or report. Other options include:

  • A portfolio of evidence.
  • A presentation with associated reflection.
  • Production of a patient/service user information leaflet or video with associated reflection.
  • A paper or letter prepared for publication with associated reflection.

Clearly, where there are different options for assessment there will be guidelines so that you and academic staff can have confidence that assessments are comparable. Assessment strategies need to meet three criteria:

  1. That the negotiated learning outcomes related to the module outcomes are met.
  2. That the correct academic level is reached.
  3. That the learning, including assessment, represents 300 hours of study, nominally.


Study facilities

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Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information