Professional/Short course Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning of the Presenting Child
Page last updated 2 December 2024
20 credit level 6 or level 7 module
You may be able to study these modules at Level 6 (BSc level) or Level 7 (Masters level) depending on your academic circumstances. Please contact the CPD Team or the Module Leader for advice if you are unsure which level would be best for you
On successful completion of this 20 credit Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning of the Presenting Child module, you will be able to:
At level 6 (UZUSWE-20-3)
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the evidence base underpinning physical assessment and clinical reasoning.
- Differentiate between normal and abnormal variants of physical assessment and their clinical significance in children and young people.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts related to anatomy, physiology and clinical reasoning that supports recognition of common illnesses in children and young people.
- Safely and effectively conduct a clinical examination within the practitioners chosen field, according to universally accepted standards, and demonstrate accurate documentation.
- Use clinical reasoning to enhance analysis of diagnostic findings in children and young people while working in partnership with child and family.
- Identify and evaluate outcomes from a physical and developmental assessment in children and young people.
- Exercise clinical judgement and formulate an action plan based on the findings of the clinical examination.
- Apply the process of physical assessment and clinical reasoning to the students own clinical practice.
At level 7 (UZUSWD-20-M)
- Demonstrate an indepth underpinning knowledge and skill in advanced clinical examination of children.
- Differentiate between normal and abnormal variants of the physical assessment and their clinical significance in children and young people.
- Develop an indepth knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology that underpins clinical examination in children and young people.
- Safely and effectively conduct an advanced clinical examination within the practitioners chosen field, according to universally accepted standards and demonstrate accurate documentation.
- Critically analyse and interpret findings of an advanced clinical examination in children and young people.
- Use clinical reasoning to enhance critical analysis of diagnostic findings in children and young people.
- Exercise clinical judgement and formulate an action plan based on the findings of the examination while working in partnership with child and family.
- Critically reflect on their practice with supporting research and demonstrate the ability to change their practice accordingly.
Entry requirements
You must be a Registered Practitioner in a position of Advanced Practice or aspiring to such a position with clinical responsibility for children or working within children and young peoples field of practice.
Careers / Further study
The level 6 (undergraduate level) module can contribute towards:
- BSc(Hons) Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
- BSc(Hons) Health and Social Care
- MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
- MSc Advanced Practice
- Professional Development Award
The level 7 (Masters level) module can contribute towards:
- MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
- MSc Advanced Practice
- Professional Development Awards
The course syllabus typically includes:
- Systematic history taking including developmental assessment
- Use of assessment tools for recognising normal and abnormal findings in children and young people
- Introduction to use of frameworks for clinical reasoning
- Introduction to differential diagnosis and patient risk assessment
- Introduction to investigations and relevance to practice
Scientific Knowledge
- Foundations of relevant anatomy and pathophysiology
- Introduction to clinical findings related to head to toe physical assessment with application to related disease processes.
- Respiratory examination in children
- Cardiovascular examination in children
- Abdominal examination in children
- Neurological examination in children
- Musculoskeletal examination in children (Paediatric Gait Arms Legs Spine pGALS)
- Examination of the newborn.
- Head, Neck, Skin, Ears, Eyes, Nose and throat examination
- Rationale for diagnostic investigations and relevance to practice
- Adolescent consultation skills
Context of physical assessment and clinical reasoning
- Legal/ethical principles in children's and young peoples practice (inc. consent, confidentiality and partnership working)
- Clinical governance and safeguarding in children's practice
- Evidence based practice
- National and local initiatives for changing roles in Children's advanced practice
- Health Promotion
- Red Flags and safety netting in Children's practice
- Communicating and building rapports with child young person and their family
Learning and Teaching
A variety of approaches will be used which may include:
- E-learning including Blackboard,
- Lectures,
- Practical sessions,
- Seminars,
- Master-classes,
- Analysis of case studies.
Formative OSCEs undertaken throughout the module will contribute to use as part of your learning strategy for physical assessment.
Study time
48 contact hours. These will take the form of lectures, group activities, case study presentations and practical practice sessions.
At level 6 (undergraduate level):
- Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
- A 2,000 word critical analysis and evaluation of an eclectic log of clinical examinations undertaken by you in practice.
At level 7 (Masters level):
- Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
- A 2,000 word diary report based on critical analysis and evaluation of two clinical examinations undertaken by you in practice.
Study facilities
The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.
Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.
Prices and dates
Supplementary fee information
Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.
Priority will be given to applications received through our funded educational contracts. Unfortunately no places will be available on this module for applications received outside of this funding. Please check with your employer as a funded contract place may still be available to support your learning.
Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.
How to apply
Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.
Please note: Priority will be given to applications received through our funded educational contracts. Unfortunately no places will be available on this module for applications received outside of this funding. Please check with your employer as a funded contract place may still be available to support your learning.
Extra information
If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.
For further information
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158