Professional/Short course Quantitative Health Research

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
One semester
Course Director
Dr Sanda Ismail

Page last updated 30 September 2024

15 credit level 7 module


This module is relevant for the MSc Public Health and MSc Environmental Health students.

Accreditations and partnerships:

The 15 credit Quantitative Health Research module provides an introduction and critical examination of quantitative approaches to health research, with particular focus on epidemiology and population-based public health research.

This level 7 (Masters level) module explores the key features of epidemiological investigation, examines key terminology, ideas and concepts concerning quantitative methodology, and teaches quantitative methods and skills for undertaking primary research and for interpreting published epidemiological research.

Additionally, the module examines how epidemiological knowledge and skills are useful for a wide spectrum of professionals whose work impacts population health.

After successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand the historical basis for epidemiology in public health.
  • Critically analyse the strengths, limitations and issues to consider with different types of epidemiological studies.
  • Assess the sources of evidence routinely used as a basis for health policy and practice, including strengths and limitations.
  • Interpret and apply the results of basic statistical analyses, particularly inferential statistics.
  • Use appropriate tools to critically appraise the evidence used in public health.
  • Understand how evidence is used in the policy process.

Careers / Further study

This module contributes towards the MSc Environmental Health and the MSc Public Health.



The module syllabus for this level 7 (Masters level) typically includes:

  • History of epidemiology and our understanding of disease causation in populations
  • Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of epidemiological studies
  • Basic statistics descriptive and inferential
  • Introduction to statistical tests, including parametric and non-parametric
  • Controlling for bias and confounding in epidemiological studies
  • The concept of evidence-based policy and practice
  • Hierarchies of evidence
  • Tools and techniques in critical appraisal
  • The dissemination and communication of evidence
  • Ethical issues in the use of data

Learning and Teaching

Scheduled learning includes; lectures, seminars, groupwork and workshops.

Independent learning includes; hours engaged with essential reading, workshop preparation, assignment preparation and completion and self-directed study.

Technology Enhanced Learning will supplement taught sessions, to enable all students to access essential and supplementary learning materials via Blackboard. Module support will be supplemented with an electronic discussion board (either via Blackboard or via a dedicated blog).Podcasts/video will be used to accompany lecture input.


Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.

Funding may be available to support your learning. Please contact your Trust Education Lead. If you work in the Private, Independent and Voluntary Sector, please contact your employer who will advise you.


Please click on the Apply Button to view dates.

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information