Professional/Short course Advanced Practice with Adults at Risk
Page last updated 30 September 2024
15 credit level 6 or level 7 module
You may be able to study these modules at Level 6 (BSc level) or Level 7 (Masters level) depending on your academic circumstances. Please contact the CPD Team or the Module Leader for advice if you are unsure which level would be best for you.
This 15 credit Advanced Practice with Adults at Risk module, available at level 6 (UZVSRN-15-3) or level 7 (UZVSRS-15-M), enables practitioners in health and social care setting to demonstrate advance practice with working with adults at risk, by critically analysing and evaluating contemporary legislation, knowledge, policy and interventions.
On successful completion of this online module, you will be able to:
- Analyse and evaluate strategies and approaches to the implementation of safeguarding procedures.
- Analyse a range of interpretations of the causes, signs and symptoms of abuse and harm.
- Analyse a range of adulthood and their relationship to situations of adults at risk.
- Analyse key concepts including 'risk', 'vulnerability', 'safeguarding' and 'abuse' and the implications of these for policy and practice.
- Reflect upon their own personal and professional values, attitudes and beliefs in relation to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and the implications of these for professional practice.
- Analyse complex issues involved in ensuring that service users and carers are at the heart of safeguarding practice.
- Apply a thorough working knowledge of the relevant, policy, legislation and how to respond to future legislation.
Entry requirements
You must be in relevant employment to enable access to safeguarding work.
Careers / Further study
This module can contribute towards:
- MSc Professional Development (Social Work)
- BA(Hons) Professional Development (Social Work)
- BA Professional Development Award (Social Work)
- All Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences Professional Development Awards
- All Faculty Health and Applied Sciences Health and Social Care Awards
- MSc Advance Practice
The syllabus of the module will focus on the required professional standards of the your profession, i.e. HCPC, NMC etc.
Learning and Teaching
The learning and teaching methods of the module will combine classroom teaching and supported self-directed study. The module offers six taught sessions with six structured self-directed learning sessions using Blackboard (VLE) and other on-line and taught materials.
The module aims to offer a flexible approach to learning that can accommodate practitioner and sponsoring employer demands. The teaching and content will be delivered by academic and practitioners engaged in safeguarding activity alongside experts by experience.
Summative assessment
The summative assessment will require you to individually write a reflective 3,000 word assignment, based upon a piece of anonymised safeguarding work which you have directly undertaken, or supported a supervisee to complete. You will be expected to draw upon contemporary legislation, policy and practice which you have learnt through direct teaching, group discussion and evaluation of your interventions.
Formative feedback
As part of the learning activity, discussion boards will be made available for you to discuss contemporary issues in safeguarding work. This will enable students from differing local authority, social care and health settings to exchange legal and the theoretical knowledge and practice experiences beyond their organisation. It will also enable formative feedback to be offered. Further formative feedback will be offered to the cohort through the use of technology or question and answer sessions.
As part of the submission, you will be required to complete an authentication Appendix form, which a senior member of staff at your employed place of practice will confirm that the piece of safeguarding work was undertaken.
Study facilities
The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.
Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.
Prices and dates
Supplementary fee information
Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.
Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.
How to apply
Please click on the Apply Now button located on this page to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.
Extra information
If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.
For further information
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158
You can also follow us on Twitter @UWEhasCPD.