Professional/Short course General Medical Ultrasound in Practice
Page last updated 30 September 2024
30 credit level 7 module
The aim of this 30 credit module, General Medical Ultrasound in Practice, is to provide you with the knowledge base to become a proficient practitioner in the field of general medical ultrasound.
Entry requirements
You must be working in a relevant area of ultrasound practice, and have either completed or be enrolled on a relevant physics or the Fundamentals of Ultrasound Technology module, by agreement with the module leader.
Careers / Further study
This module can contribute towards the MSc Medical Ultrasound.
This level 7 (Masters level) module will enable you to explore the efficiency and efficacy of ultrasound practice of general medical ultrasound. Professional practice forms an integral part of the module, thus facilitating the application of theoretical principles to practice.
This module provides you with an academic foundation in order to undertake the practice of medical ultrasound in a professional manner within an ethical and legal framework. It also includes interpersonal skills, the principles of verbal and written reporting concurrent with approaches to decision making and accurate record keeping.
The module syllabus typically includes:
- Applied anatomy, physiology and pathology related to general medical ultrasound practice; role of ultrasound as a screening procedure
- Interpretation of biochemical and other invasive or non-invasive screening/diagnostic tests, issues relating to the holistic preparation and care of the patient
- Role of ultrasound in the overall management of the patient.
- Ultrasound appearances of normal and abnormal anatomy, to include anatomical variants.
- Range of ultrasound techniques for external and intra-cavity procedures
- Doppler studies
- Contrast agents
- Complementary and/or alternative imaging techniques
- 4D Scanning Interpretation and recording of examination data
- Safety guidelines, protocols and legislation
- Contemporary research and developments in ultrasound
- Techniques related to ultrasound imaging of abdominal and pelvic contents
- Genito-urinary system
- Hepato-biliary system
- Pancreas
- Lymphatic system
- Peritoneum
- Vascular
- Digestive system
- Male and female reproductive systems
- Normal and abnormal appearances of the female pelvis
- Techniques related to ultrasound imaging of non-abdominal superficial structures
- Thyroid; breast; soft-tissues; musculo-skeletal; vascular; testes; salivary glands.
Paediatric ultrasound techniques
- Ultrasound of the thorax
- Pleural and pericardial effusions
Legal and ethical issues
- General legal and ethical principles relating to the practice of General Medical Ultrasound
Professional and employment issues relating to General Medical Ultrasound practice
- Professionalism and professionalisation
- Work related upper limb disorders
- Ergonomics
- Importance of effective communication, listening skills, verbal/non verbal communication and self-awareness
- Issues of confidentiality and counselling models
- Principles of verbal and written reporting, approaches to decision making, record keeping Influences of information technology on database development and use of information
- Work related upper limb disorders
Learning and Teaching
Scheduled learning constitutes 112 hours of the overall module total, and includes lectures, seminars, tutorials, demonstrations, practical classes and workshops; external visits; work based learning; supervised practise time in scanning room.
Independent learning includes a minimum of 188 hours engaged with activities such as essential reading, case study preparation, assignment preparation and completion, computer assisted learning; simulator scanning, reflection on learning.
Placement learning includes clinical practice placements are negotiated and organised by the student, but should include a minimum of 15 hours a week of supervised scanning for the duration of the module.
Study time
Contact time may include any of the following activities: Lectures; class discussions; tutorials, synchronous on-line discussion boards; seminars; clinical placement visits; medical museum visit; laboratory hands-on clinical practice using a simulator and real-life models; VLE using e-Blackboard.
Lectures will be provided by the Course Team and by external clinical specialists. Classroom sessions will also include hands-on scanning supervised sessions and review of cases. Discussion groups will be organised covering a range of relevant topics
Assessment for this module comprises:
- completion of a Clinical Portfolio to include summative clinical assessments
- a Structured Oral and Practical Examination (SOPE).
Study facilities
The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.
You'll have access to a range of on-campus and online facilities to support your learning, including the University Library which is open 24 hours a day.
Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.
Prices and dates
Supplementary fee information
Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.
Funding may be available to support your learning. Please contact your Trust Education Lead. If you work in the Private, Independent and Voluntary Sector, please contact your employer who will advise you.
Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.
How to apply
You are required to apply online for your CPD modules, which you can take as stand-alone courses or as part of an undergraduate (level 3) or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.
You will need to download and complete the Clinical Placement Form below. Once this is completed, please upload it onto your CPD Portal. This form will be used to inform the Module Leader of your suitability for the module. Your application cannot be processed until this form has been received.
Clinical Placement Form (DOCX)
Extra information
If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.
For further information
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158
You can also follow us on Twitter @UWEhasCPD.