Professional/Short course Fundamental Clinical Skills in Nuclear Medicine Practice

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Course Director
Simon King

Page last updated 19 December 2024

30 credit level 7 module

This module runs every other year as part of the MSc Nuclear Medicine. It is next due to run in 2025/26; please check back in May 2025 for timetable details.


This 30 credit online module, Fundamental Clinical Skills in Nuclear Medicine, has been developed to allow you to demonstrate clinical competency across a range of Nuclear Medicine procedures.

The module will build upon your existing knowledge that you have developed within a clinical setting by considering a range of routine Nuclear Medicine procedures. You will be challenged to consider 'best practice' and to evaluate the processes that are currently undertaken within your own departments.

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • apply relevant theoretical and practical knowledge to the understanding of anatomical structures and physiological systems demonstrated in clinical Nuclear Medicine practice
  • demonstrate an understanding of routine procedures and imaging protocols utilised in current Nuclear Medicine practice
  • understand the appearance of a wide range of normal and abnormal clinical conditions with consideration as to the impact of metabolic change and the distribution/clearance of the imaging agent
  • describe and critically analyse the role of Nuclear Medicine within current diagnostic pathways for a range of clinical conditions
  • critically evaluate Nuclear Medicine images in relation to data collection, image manipulation and final presentation
  • critically evaluate contemporary research within the field of Nuclear Medicine in order to inform current and future practice
  • undertake a comprehensive range of Nuclear Medicine procedures skilfully, safely, and to a high standard, demonstrating an ability to adapt effectively to new or unusual situations
  • critically reflect upon the multi-disciplinary nature of Nuclear Medicine practice and how this may influence current and future professional development opportunities
  • justify the contribution of Nuclear Medicine within the modern healthcare environment
  • make evaluative judgements on the outcomes of Nuclear Medicine procedures and practices and report the findings accordingly.
  • engage in effective communication with patients', their families, and healthcare professionals and make appropriate decisions as required
  • prepare written statements and engage in professional debate following research into specified areas of Nuclear Medicine practice
  • demonstrate interprofessional skills and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment

Entry requirements

To facilitate the completion of clinical appraisals, as assessment of your competence in Nuclear Medicine practice, it is a pre-requisite of enrolment on this module that you be fully supported by your clinical department and have a clinical mentor in place.

Careers / Further study

This module can contribute towards the MSc Nuclear Medicine.



The course syllabus for this level 7 (Masters level) module typically includes:

General contents

  • Introduction to anatomy, physiology and pathology processes commonly seen on routine Nuclear Medicine procedures
  • Evaluation of current imaging and non-imaging protocols utilised within Nuclear Medicine
  • Linkage to a range of professional guidelines designed to optimise the provision of a Nuclear Medicine service
  • The Application of Nuclear Medicine (including SPECT/CT and PET/CT) in the investigation and diagnosis of a range of clinical conditions.
  • Evaluation as to the optimal characteristics of radiopharmaceuticalscommonly used within the Nuclear Medicine environment
  • The effect of pathology and disease processes on normal radiopharmaceutical uptake
  • Consideration as to the appearance of normal images and how certain pathologies can influence/alter uptake patterns.
  • The use of supplementary drugs for enhancement of Nuclear Medicine procedures
  • An introduction to radiation protection and safe working practices including the administration of radiopharmaceuticals
  • An introduction to the role of Nuclear Medicine in the overall management of the patient

The above points will each be considered in relation to the following body systems/areas:

  • Skeletal imaging
  • The respiratory system
  • The renal tract
  • The lymphatic system
  • The endocrine system
  • The cardiovascular system
  • The gastrointestinal tract

Legal and ethical development

  • Consideration as to the legal and professional responsibilities of the Nuclear Medicine workforce with linkage to appropriate guidance / documentation
  • Consideration as to the ethical principles of working within the Nuclear Medicine environment with linkage to professional guidance/current political drivers

Professional development

  • Consideration as to the changing nature of Nuclear Medicine practice especially in relation to current professional/technological/financial drivers
  • Consideration as to the importance of the developing interprofessional dimensions of the modality
  • Introduction to the future potential of the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner with emphasis on advanced practice opportunities
  • Introduction to the importance of effective communication skills
  • Consideration as to the importance

Learning and Teaching

The module will also introduce the notion of advanced practice and through the use of narrated presentations will encourage you to consider possible development opportunities and possible threats that have the potential to impact on future Nuclear Medicine services. You will again be expected to engage in peer assisted learning and knowledge exchange in order to fully appreciate the changing healthcare environment.

Professional ideas will be introduced by the module team via narrated presentations and further consolidated by on-line discussion forums where set learning tasks/self-directed reading will be outlined. Such learning events will enable you to consider current practice guidelines and through peer discussion/peer assisted learning outline strategies for optimal practice. Such learning will help develop key concepts such as the value of evidence based practice, critical evaluation and reflective consideration.

Study time

Scheduled learning will include up to 80 hours engaged with lectures, seminars, tutorials, discussion board entries, portfolio supervision, work based learning. 

Independent learning will include up to 220 hours engaged with essential reading, portfolio construction, assignment development, consideration as to best clinical practice and reflection on learning.


Assessment of clinical Nuclear Medicine practice is an integral part of this clinical practice module and you will be expected to be working routinely within the Nuclear Medicine environment in order to demonstrate an integration of theory and practice. Within the workplace, this development will be overseen by an appropriately skilled Nuclear Medicine Practitioner who will be responsible for your clinical assessment.A variety of ways will be used to assess your proficiency:

  • A clinical portfolio consisting of a work journal, four clinical assessments and three case studies will chronicle your development within the clinical environment and will need to be passed in order to successfully complete the module.
  • A written assignment linked to the development of Nuclear Medicine Practice within the modern healthcare environment, which will include a 250 word self-reflective account.


Study facilities

The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.

Funding may be available to support your learning. Please contact your Trust Education Lead. If you work in the Private, Independent and Voluntary Sector, please contact your employer who will advise you.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

For further information