Professional/Short course Current Applications in Hybrid Imaging Practice

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Approximately 4 months
Distance learning
Course Director
Simon King

Page last updated 30 September 2024

15 credit level 7 module


This 15 credit Applications of Hybrid Imaging Practice module has been developed to enable individuals to demonstrate a good level of understanding associated with the current applications of hybrid imaging practice.

You will cover areas such as; equipment design, safety, current training implications and the most effective use of this developing imaging modality.

You will also consider future development opportunities for the hybrid imaging practitioner and relate these to potential growth areas in clinical practice.

On successful completion of this level 7 (Masters level) module, you will be able to:

  • Identify the various components of hybrid imaging equipment and demonstrate an awareness of ongoing developments
  • Justify the use of hybrid imaging technology and illustrate how such technology should be used in order to maximise both staff and patient safety
  • Appreciate the multidisciplinary aspects of hybrid imaging, demonstrating awareness for current and future developments in clinical practice
  • Evaluate the range of radiation protection practices currently utilised within a hybrid imaging environment
  • Appraise a variety of methods of image acquisition, fusion and reconstruction in order to critique final image production
  • Critically evaluate the legislation governing the use of hybrid imaging technology including associated Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Critically evaluate contemporary research within the hybrid nuclear medicine environment and demonstrate an overall understanding of the role of the modality within various patient pathways
  • Explore the multidisciplinary aspects of hybrid imaging and consider the impact this might have on patient treatment regimens
  • Appreciate Government strategies with regards to the current and future provision of hybrid imaging services
  • Critically evaluate current imaging techniques for hybrid imaging practice with reference to the role of the hybrid imaging practitioner
  • Critically evaluate emerging/developing imaging techniques for hybrid imaging practice with reference to the role of the hybrid imaging practitioner
  • Relate the appropriate scientific and technological principles of hybrid imaging to current models of nuclear medicine practice

Careers / Further study

This module contributes towards the MSc Nuclear Medicine.



The module syllabus typically includes:

SPECT/CT Equipment Including Safe Working Practice

  • An introduction to imaging equipment commonly used with a hybrid imaging environment (including ancillary equipment)
  • Common image acquisition and processing techniques
  • Factors affecting image quality with consideration as to strategies designed to limit/rectify such occurrences
  • Common applications of hybrid imaging technique, with linkage to relevant legislation
  • SPECT/CT room design to incorporate safety considerations

PET/CT Equipment Including Safe Working Practice

  • As above, but considering PET/CT as opposed to SPECT/CT

Fundamental Imaging Parameters within the Hybrid Environment

  • Fundamental acquisition parameters in hybrid imaging
  • Fundamental utilisation of Computed Tomography within the hybrid imaging environment
  • Radiation protection implications to be considered when performing a CT scan within the hybrid imaging environment, including compliance with current legislation
  • Fundamentals of CT multi-planar reconstruction
  • An introduction to the major components of a modern CT scanner
  • The development of fundamental quality control tests
  • Principle of SPECT/CT imaging as applied to cardiac, neurology and oncology imaging

Impact of Hybrid Imaging on Patient Management

  • Care of the patient within the hybrid imaging environment including appropriate preparation and dosimetry considerations
  • Clinical value of hybrid imaging within current patient pathways
  • Clinical indications / applications for the use of SPECT/CT
  • Current national hybrid imaging guidelines and Government strategies
  • The future integration of hybrid imaging systems within radiotherapy practice
  • Further establishment of multidisciplinary roles within a hybrid imaging environment

Emerging Technology

  • Justification and current thinking related to the use of Computed Tomography within the hybrid environment
  • Justification and current thinking related to the use of resolution recovery within the hybrid environment
  • The future production of radiopharmaceutical tracers required for hybrid Imaging Practice
  • An introduction to PET/MR, developing an appreciation of its current position in clinical practice and the growing knowledge base surrounding the clinical applications of the modality

Learning and Teaching

A variety of teaching approaches will be utilised within the module.

Scheduled learning will include up to 30 hours engaged with lectures, seminars, tutorials, discussion board entries, project supervision, work based learning.

Independent learning will include upto 120 hours engaged with essential reading, case study preparation, presentation development and presentation construction and personal reflection on learning

Additional student-centred learning guided by tutorials and discussion will include

  • Evaluation and discussion of current working practices
  • Consideration as to the future role of the Nuclear Medicine Practitioner.


A 1,500 word case study and a 10 minute audio narrated presentation to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes.

Formative assessment related to these discussion board contributions will be provided by the module team and will highlight good student understanding and areas where further exploration and development might appear appropriate.


Study facilities

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Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.

Please note: Funding may be available to support your learning. Please contact your Trust Education Lead. If you work in the Private, Independent and Voluntary Sector, please contact your employer who will advise you.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information