Professional/Short course Long Term Conditions

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Two semesters
Online (distance learning)
Course Director
Lynda Hughes

30 credit level 7 module

Page last updated 30 September 2024


Long term health conditions can present major challenges to individuals and also to their families and carers, to those commissioning and delivering health and social care services, and to society more generally. Conditions may cause impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions but may present with very different time-courses and trajectories. Some are life-limiting yet the impact of others can be well controlled with appropriate management strategies. Co-morbidity and multi-morbidity further complicate management.

On successful completion of this level 7 (Masters level) module, you will be able to:

  • Critically discuss the complexities of living with and managing long term conditions from the perspectives of the individual, carers, families, health and social care services and society.
  • Critically evaluate key UK and international policies and guidelines related to the management of long term health conditions.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key components of models of disability, healthcare and health behaviour change.
  • Critically evaluate their own practice in relation to long term condition management.
  • Discuss the contribution of patients and service users in co-designing individual management plans and wider services.
  • Critically appraise different sources of evidence that could contribute towards service redesign, evaluation and improvement.

Careers / Further study

This level 7 (Masters level) module can contribute towards:

  • MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • MSc Advanced Practice
  • MSc Rehabilitation
  • Professional Development Awards



This 30 credit module aims to explore the complexity of the impact of long term conditions (LTCs) from a range of different stakeholder perspectives. It will introduce national and international policies and guidelines for the management of LTCs and consider different models of disability and healthcare. Shared decision making and patient empowerment will be considered as key components in generating, listening to and incorporating patients' and clients' wishes.

Models of health behaviour change relevant to LTCs will be introduced and critiqued. You will be introduced to sources of evidence and guidance such as relevant research, audit, service evaluation, guidelines and National Service Frameworks. You will also consider how to optimally design, improve and evaluate LTC services. The module content will include introduction to examples from a wide range of different LTCs.

A key consideration is to allow you to tailor your guided reading and the assessment to your particular area of practice related to LTCs.

Learning and Teaching

This module will use a distance learning approach, which includes online interactive materials, lectures, videos, online seminars and discussion on set topics, and links to external content. Guided reading will direct you to appropriate texts, journal articles and other materials which will all be available electronically. Timed release of materials will allow you to progress through the module content in a coherent manner.

Approximately 60 hours of directed study will be delivered during the module via the Blackboard online learning platform. Synchronous online seminars and
asynchronous discussion forums will support the development of a student learning cohort experience.

Teaching and learning will be delivered in a range of formats. This will typically include up to 10 keynote lectures (video-captured), online seminars (using Blackboard
Collaborate) and other web-based materials and activities. Blackboard will also be used to support an online discussion forum which will help you to actively share
your learning experiences related to set topics (and more generally).

Scheduled learning will account for approximately 60 hours. Independent study will account for the remaining 240 hours and will include directed and guided reading (particularly material directly related to their practice context), and preparation and completion of the assessment.

Scheduled learning includes tutorials and synchronous online activities.

Independent learning includes hours engaged with online lectures, seminars and tasks, essential reading, change initiative preparation, assignment preparation and
completion, online tasks etc.


The assessment for this module is a critical appraisal of practice in relation to the management of long term conditions. The assessment aims to encourage you to reflect on practice and to plan how you might change practice or service to manage long term conditions more effectively in the future. You will be able to tailor the assessment to a practice context.

A 5,000 word written assignment to critically appraise practice in relation to a specified long term condition (to be specified by you). This could include an overview of the condition and the challenges it presents to individuals, their families, health and social care and society; an evaluation of relevant policies, theories and evidence related to different management approaches; a critical reflection on practice; and reasoned justification for how they might change a practice or service.

Formative assessment
Opportunities for formative assessment and discussion will be provided throughout the module through online seminars, discussion and individual feedback.


Study facilities

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Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information


Please view our full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Priority will be given to applications received through our funded educational contracts.  Places on this module will be limited for applications received outside of this funding.  Please check with your employer as a funded contract place may still be available to support your learning.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please apply online using the Apply Now button on this page.

Please read our Terms and Conditions.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information