Professional/Short course Motivational Interviewing: Strategies for Lifestyle Changes

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Six weeks
Course Director
Sharmila Arat

Page last updated 30 September 2024

20 credit level 6 or level 7 module


You may be able to study these modules at Level 6 (BSc level) or Level 7 (Masters level) depending on your academic circumstances. Please contact the CPD Team or the Module Leader for advice if you are unsure which level would be best for you.

On successful completion of this 20 credit Motivational Interviewing: Strategies for Lifestyle Changes module, you will achieve the following learning outcomes:

At level 6 (UZZSWH203):

  • describe and demonstrate the process of change from a patient and professional perspective, and its application to Motivational Interviewing
  • describe and apply the stages of Motivational Interviewing processes: the relational foundation, focusing, change talk and future planning
  • discuss and demonstrate where a client may be situated in the process of change and have an understanding and application of the appropriate interventions for each stage
  • apply and Review the principles, theory, adaptations and application of motivational interviewing to clinical settings
  • critically evaluate the evidence base for Motivational Interviewing and its impact on lifestyle change

At level 7 (UZZRWT-20-M):

  • demonstrate the process of change from a patient and professional perspective, and its application to Motivational Interviewing
  • to critically discuss which behaviours Motivational Interview can be applied to the process of change, and its application
  • critically analyse the stages of Motivational Interviewing, the relational foundation, focusing, change talk and future planning
  • discuss and demonstrate where a client may be situated in the process of change and have an understanding and application of the appropriate interventions for each stage
  • critically review, reflect and evaluate the principles, evidence based theory, adaptations and application of motivational interviewing to clinical settings and impact on lifestyle change.

Careers / Further study

The level 6 module can contribute towards:

  • BSc(Hons) Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • BSc(Hons) Health and Social Care
  • MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • MSc Advanced Practice
  • Professional Development Award

The level 7 module can contribute towards:

  • MSc Specialist Practice (District Nursing)
  • MSc Advanced Practice
  • Professional Development Awards



The module syllabus typically covers:

Change processes
Overview of the stages of change model, (Prochaska and DiClemente (1998), change and motivation, engaging service users and carers in the process, joint working between Social Services and the National Health Services.

Motivational interviewing and enhancement therapy
Principles and theoretical basis for Motivational Interviewing, styles of working, the therapeutic alliance, techniques, goals and evidence base for working with addictions, eating disorders, forensic work and in mental health promotion.

Specialist applications
Working with specialist user groups: focusing interventions and techniques to applying techniques to the needs of individuals with long term conditions, lifestyle, addictions, eating disorders, forensic issues and to integrating MI within overall plans of care.

Health promotion and relapse prevention
Collaborative working, techniques of relapse prevention, maintenance and termination of contact, supervision issues, outcome measurement.

Learning and Teaching

A variety of approaches will be used which will include:

  • Formative practice motivational interviewing (MI) skills
  • Use of Motivational Interviewing roleplay videos to support theory and practice
  • Seminars
  • Enquiry-based learning and case-based learning

Those learning outcomes not individually mapped to the module assessment will be assessed formatively within the module delivery.


At level 6 (undergraduate level):

A live practical assessment of Motivational Interviewing Strategies which will involve standardised patients or facilitators role playing a client with a problem that requires a behavioural change. You will need to demonstrate and apply MI skills in response to the presenting problem for a duration of 15 minutes demonstrating core communication strategies and eliciting and responding to change talk.

Plus a 1,500-word evidence based critical reflective assessment which will critically evaluate the underpinning principles and theory of motivational interviewing and your application to working with a clinical example of behaviour change. It will consider service innovation and personal development.

At level 7 (Masters level):

A live practical assessment of Motivational Interviewing Strategies which will involve standardised patients or facilitators role playing a client with a problem that requires a behavioural change. You will demonstrate and apply MI skills in response to the presenting problem for a duration of 15 minutes demonstrating core communication strategies and eliciting and responding to change talk.

Plus a 1,500 word evidence based critical reflective assessment which will critically evaluate the underpinning principles and theory of motivational interviewing and your application to working with a clinical example of behaviour change. It will consider service innovation and personal development.


Study facilities

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Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.


Please click on the Apply Now button to view dates.

How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information