Study Day - Suspected Physical Abuse Non-Accidental Injury

Entry year
Course code
Professional/Short Course
School of Health and Social Wellbeing
One day
Course Director
Donna Dimond


Accreditations and partnerships:

Celebrating its 13th year, this online event embraces current developments in the field of Non-Accidental Injury/Suspected Physical Abuse imaging in step with guidance documents from the Society and College of Radiographers (including revised 2024 Forensic guidance) and the Royal College of Radiologists. Designed to meet the specific needs of Radiographers, the event aims to consolidate and extend the knowledge and skills required to act effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team that are involved in such cases.

The event is delivered by a former paediatric superintendent radiographer, now experienced UWE senior lecturer alongside a team of local expert paediatric radiographers and clinical specialists in radiology and neuroradiology, in the form of live online lectures with the opportunity to consult the speaker post session.

This course is CPD endorsed by the College of Radiographers.



Topics covered in this course include:

  • Skeletal Survey Exposed - Practicalities of Performing the Examination
  • NAI/SPA Signs and Symptoms
  • Brain Imaging in NAI/SPA
  • Role of the CT Radiographer in NAI/SPA
  • NAI/SPA Image Interpretation
  • Normal Variants and Pitfalls
  • NAI/SPA Examinations as Evidence


Study facilities

Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.

Prices and dates

Supplementary fee information

  • £150 (external delegate)
  • £25 (UWE Bristol undergraduate students enrolled on BSc Diagnostic Radiography)

Course dates

Please click on the above Apply Now button to view dates.

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How to apply

Please click on the Apply Now button to apply online.

Extra information

If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.

For further information