Professional/Short course Practice Learning and Student Support
15 credit level 6 and level 7 module
Page last updated 30 September 2024
You may be able to study these modules at Level 6 (BSc level) or Level 7 (Masters level) depending on your academic circumstances. Please contact the CPD Team or the Module Leader for advice if you are unsure which level would be best for you.
The 15 credit Practice Learning and Student Support (PL+SS) top-up module is designed to enable a range of Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Nursing and Midwifery (N&M) staff to enhance their knowledge and skills in being a student mentor/practice educator in their area of practice. It combines both multi-professional and generic learning, with some profession-specific content.
The module can be studied at level 6 (undergraduate level, UZYY38-15-3) or level 7 (Masters level, UZYY39-15-M). The module consists of seven units of learning. The module is completely online and requires self-directed learning.
On successful completion of the online module, you will be able to:
- explore the strengths and limitations of the Practice Educator role
- appraise and apply appropriate learning theories
- plan, implement and facilitate learning in the placement setting
- apply appropriate sound principles and judgement in the assessment of performance in the placement setting
- critically evaluate and reflect on the learning experience.
Entry requirements
You must be working in a relevant area of practice and have completed the Supporting Students in Practice non-credit bearing course.
The course syllabus typically includes:
Describing the role and identifying the attributes of the effective practice-based/placement educator
- Outlining of the placement student's programme, portfolio, learning outcomes and the assessment/sign off process.
- Establishing effective working relationships and support mechanisms between practice educators and UWE Bristol
- Identifying the knowledge, skills and personal attributes of an effective practice educator including:
- Positive role modelling
- Appropriate values and behaviours
- Clinical leadership
Applying learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional learners
- Exploring a range of appropriate learning theory including learning styles and domains of learning
- Applying this theory to the role of practice educator
Planning, implementing and facilitating learning in the placement setting
- Creating an environment for learning
- Integrating learning from the academic setting into the workplace
- Developing an awareness of possible barriers to learning in the practice setting
- Exploring effective communication and questioning techniques
- Identifying and supporting additional learning requirements
- Managing common problems in placement
Applying sound principles and judgement in the assessment of performance in the placement setting
- Identifying learning outcomes and objectives
- Exploring assessment methods and collecting evidence
- Establishing validity, consistency and fairness in assessing
- Reviewing effective feedback techniques
- Identifying frameworks and techniques for supporting students
- Exploring barriers to failing a student
- Developing awareness of student expectations and their responsibilities including codes of practice/fitness to practice
- Recognising placement educator accountability
Evaluating learning in the practice setting
- Exploring methods of monitoring the quality of learning and assessment delivered in practice, including receiving feedback
- Evaluating practice educator effectiveness in delivering learning and making improvements
Reflecting on experience and formulating action plans to improve future practice (based upon experiences in delivering learning outcomes 1-5)
- Exploring reflective practice models including SWOT analysis
- Formulating personal action plans to improve effectiveness as a practice educator
- Recognising how being an effective practice educator can improve a clinicians
- broader practice and how it can support CPD.
Core reading
You will be provided with access to essential reading either in electronic form via the Library website or Blackboard. The module handbook will also reflect the range of reading to be carried out and the reading from the Supporting Students in Practice (SSIP) module will be relevant.
Learning and Teaching
All learning units are accessed online and will require self-directed learning. There will be a workbook available as part of the material which students can use to record their learning tasks and which can be used as preparation for the written assessed assignment.
Get Mentor updates and training information from the Practice Support Net at UWE Bristol. The Practice Support Net provides advice, guidance and tools to support you in your mentorship role.
Study time
Study time is expected to total approximately 100 hours which includes online engagement with learning units; self-directed reading; and study and work-based learning.
You will have access to a module leader and/or a member of the academic staff involved in the module, which will enable additional one-to-one support and guidance. Individual support will be available via telephone or email.
The assessment for this module will be a 2,500 word assignment related to the six learning outcomes of the module, demonstrating how you have facilitated, supported, assessed and evaluated a student in practice.
The assignment will be a maximum of 2,500 words in line with UWE Bristol's word count policy.
Assignment support will be offered individually via telephone or email.
Study facilities
The College of Health, Science and Society has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.
Take a personalised virtual tour of the Health Professions facilities and experience what a typical day could look like here for you.
Prices and dates
Supplementary fee information
Please visit full fee information to see the price brackets for our modules.
For non-credit bearing applications, your organisation has been given a set number of placesĀ and your Education Lead will process your application with this in mind.
How to apply
Please email for further information.
Extra information
If the course you are applying for is fully online or blended learning, please note that you are expected to provide your own headsets/microphones.
For further information
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158
You can also follow us on Twitter @UWEhasCPD.