GradDip Respiratory Science
Page last updated 13 September 2024
This 12-month, full-time Graduate Diploma in Respiratory Science is suitable for you if you're new to the respiratory science field or already working in it. It offers the opportunity for you to bring your transferable skills and knowledge so that you can upskill in this field.
This postgraduate course integrates the fundamentals of respiratory and sleep medicine, thereby enabling practitioners to assess and treat respiratory and sleep-breathing disorders as appropriate.
Our GradDip Respiratory Science course has been developed by accredited clinical scientists, and is delivered by specialist academic staff and clinical practitioners.
You'll study within specialist areas of respiratory science while maintaining academic breadth and depth of knowledge in the wider discipline and we'll support you at every stage through the course.
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You'll take 120 credits from the following modules:
- Assessment and Management of Respiratory Disorders
- Assessment and Management of Sleep Breathing Disorders
- Professional Practice for Respiratory Science
These three modules provide a solid foundation in the clinical investigation and assessment of respiratory and sleep physiology, enabling you to develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of relevant instrumentation, imaging techniques, and disorders affecting the respiratory and sleep-breathing systems.
Learning and Teaching
You'll learn through an innovative, blended learning delivery model, including on-campus block weeks, online learning via lectures, webinars, and online discussion boards, as well as online live webinars and virtual classroom tutorials.
You'll be taught by a range of practising professionals, for example, highly specialised clinical scientists, respiratory and sleep physiologists, and clinical/research scientists, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the course.
Our assessments take an applied and practice-led focus with a range of assessment types to accommodate different learning backgrounds and learning styles.
You'll need to complete a work-based portfolio of competence, as part of your assessment for the Respiratory Science modules, which are assessed as pass/fail. You'll be supported in this by a work-based training officer and from the course team. Final sign off is required to complete the course that the aim is for this work-based portfolio to be closely aligned to the Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology (ARTP) practitioner portfolio, which can then be used to complete your professional body examination.
During your practical activities in the block weeks, you'll develop the skills required to perform and analyse diagnostic tests, learn effective communication, patient-centred practice and multidisciplinary working within the context of respiratory science.
Study facilities
The School of Applied Sciences at UWE Bristol has significant prior expertise of delivering blended learning, through applied practice-oriented degrees, CPD and apprenticeship provision. This GradDip course will be delivered by academics and clinical specialists with many years of professional experience in respiratory and sleep medicine.
At the main Frenchay Campus, you'll have 24-hour access to our Library computing facilities.
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There is currently no published fee data for this course.
Supplementary fee information
The course is funded by NHS England.
View our professional short courses.
Entry requirements
Candidates will already be employed within a healthcare setting and must meet the entry requirements of 2:2 and above undergraduate honours degree, or integrated master's degree in a pure or applied science subject relevant to the specialism, a healthcare subject, or equivalent. We accept applications based on predicted results.
Due to the extensive variation in degrees, we're unable to provide a definitive list of relevant degrees. We shortlist applicants based on the person specification. Your degree should include human anatomy and physiology components and research skills.
How to apply
The National School of Healthcare Science with NHS England will manage the recruitment of students to the course and will provide details to us at UWE Bristol so we can then process your application.
When your funding has been approved, you'll then need to apply for the following modules using the links below:
- Assessment and Management of Respiratory Disorders
- Assessment and Management of Sleep Breathing Disorders
- Professional Practice for Respiratory Science
For further information
- Email:
- CPD Admin:
- Funding enquiries:
- Academic enquiries:
- Telephone: +44 (0)117 32 81158